Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Edinburgh, NL Scotland, Adv.MS.24.6.3a

Century: XVII in. et XVII.2

Number of folios: vi +346 +iii

Material: chart.

Height: 293

Width: 195

Region and Place of Production: Britannia

Previous shelf mark(s): W.3.23

Scribe(s) / Possessor(s):

  • 'Ex libris J.P.' (last leaf, handwriting XVIII) (Possessor)
  • John Thomson (fol. i, erased) (Possessor)
  • James Wardlaw bookbinder a.1710 (flyleaf) (Possessor)

Cover: contemporary, in parchment, with initials 'MIT'</p> <p> Watermark: jug with two handles, on the belly letters O and beneath UE, collar straight and slim like a column, widening as a funnel above the height of the handles, covered by a flat lid on which lies a row of five balls, above the middle a four-petaled blossom, above it yet another such blossom, altogether 58 mm high (fol. 156, 202, 213, 218); jug with letters O and beneath AB, on the lid five spikes, each bearing three balls, above the middle a short stem, holding a four-petaled blossom, altogether 67 mm high (fol. 231, 241, 244, 250, paper of early saec. XVII); jug, large, with letters I and beneath PO, on base a four-petaled blossom, on collar an ornament likening a flame, handle's lines parallel, along lid's outer rim a densely zigzagged or spiralled wire, on lid five almost round skittles, above the middle three balls, above them a four-petaled blossom, above it a fleur-de-lis, altogether 104 mm high (fol. 306, 307); jug, large, with letter A and beneath letters which are too weak to be read, decoration above the lid ends in a large lying half moon, and beneath the jug's base there are letters DM, altogether 106 x 47 mm (fol. 312); jug with letters AM, decoration of the lid ends in a large lying half moon, altogether 100 x 40 mm (fol. 314); jug with letters probably MIM, on lid decoration, ending in a lying half moon, altogether 95 x 38 mm (fol. 317); watermark too weak to be discerned, very wide, not high, definitely not a jug (fol. 333-346); watermark too weak, at least 60 mm high and 35 mm wide (fol. iv, perhaps identical to the one in fol. 307); watermark too weak (fol. viii)

Literature quoting this MS: Dolezalek, Scotland under Jus Commune, vols. 1 and 2

Analyzed by: Dolezalek*