Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Formularium - Scottish Styles of a supplication in a litigation

Formularium - Scottish Styles of a supplication in a litigation .

Unto the rycht honouravill the Lords of Counsell and Session the humble supplication of etc. scheweth that, quhere be ane old law, made be king Kenneth the second, that he quha strykis his collitigant in judgment sall tyne his action, quhilk law being since renewed in the raigne of Queene Mary and after approven by King James the sixt in his aucht Parliament and ratified after in his 14th Parliament, Act [{i}blank space{/i}], and made ane universall law in all tyme therafter, for repressing of the invasions of prout and undauntoned braggers, boasters and oppressors, occurring betwixt parties contending in justice, so that if any persone, either persewer or defender, sall happen to slay or wound to the effusion of blood or utherwise invade uthers in any sort quairupon they may be criminallie accused, the committer of the slaughter, blood or invasion, if he be persewer, the defender sall have absolvitor frae his lybell. And trew it is that, etc., having attempted ane injust pursute against me upon ane pretendit assignation from etc., quhairin he hath fore troubled me these many yeirs bygone, and I being well come furth to Edinburgh to defend in the samyn, he upon the fourth of this instant invaded me in the house of etc., and there in the presence of dyvers and severall witnesses, after many injurious speaches, hath wounded me with etc., in severall placies of my bodie, to the great diffusion of my blood and greivous hirts utherwise.

Heirfore humblie requeists yowr Lordships to take the premyss into consideration and to discharge the forsaid action, injustlie persewed against me, and to grant me absolvitor thairfrae, according to the former Acts of Parliament, that I be not farder troubled nor molested therin, being ane poore old man and living farre distant from this place, and that he may be condignly punished also utherwise, to the terror of uthers to committ the lyke insolencie in any tyme coming, and your Lordships answere I humblie crave

No. of pages: Fol. viii recto (after fol. 346):