Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Decisiones curiae supremae Scotiae - Practicks 1573-1592 : (1577 - 1584/4)


  • Alexander Colville commendator of Culross


  • Efter it be concludit in the [and then:] caus and protestatioun admittit quoad alias

Decisiones curiae supremae Scotiae - Practicks 1573-1592: (1577 - 1584/4) .

No indication that a new work starts. The same colour of ink, handwriting and layout continue. Few items bear a complete date, but the beginning of a new day or month is noted in the outer margin. On some leaves one can see that part of the date has been cut off by a bookbinder who trimmed the leaves after rebinding the volume. Good Latin, and good quotations of Jus Commune. The latter are emphasized by the scribe


  • Alexander Colville commendator of Culross

No. of pages: Fol. 148r (last two lines) - 287v


  • [{i}First items:{/i}] Efter it be concludit in the caus and protestatioun admittit quoad alias, [{i}cancelled word:{/i} na] probationes resavit. The Laird of Camnethane gaif in ane supplicatioun ... the bill could not be grantit [{i}not dated{/i}].

    Guidis tane be wertew of ane decreit decernit as spuilzeing guidis. Thair wes ane callit N. Douglas that persewit ane Gordone for the spoliatioun ... and becaus of the testament and offerring to mak faith admittit them.

    (Fol. 149r) Na reductioun for not productioun of pecis lyand lang in proces and in the handis of clerkis. 10 December 1577. Robert Forrester provest of Striviling persewit the Laird of Jardane.

    [{i}Last items, fol. 287r = wrongly '387r':{/i}] Ane submissioun, quairupone any decreitt passis, man be in wreitt. Mar. 1583 [{i}corrected to become 1584{/i}]. Thair was ane Bothvell that persevit ane Reid for the violent eiectioun.

    Assignation of ane tak is (tam abar?) be using thairof. [{i}Date added by a later hand:{/i}] Mar. 1583 [{i}corrected to become April 1584{/i}]. Jhone Home, brother to the guidman of Maidstoun, persevit as donatour to the king George Auchnecraw ... Nonnulli domini in contraria fuerunt opinione.

    (Fol. 287v = '387v') Praemonition for rediming comprysit landes may be upon 20 dayes. [{i}Dated in the margin:{/i}] April 1584. [{i}Main text:{/i}] James Murray as maid assigney to the reversion of certaine lands of the leveing of Polmais ... premonitioun of fourtie dayes.

    Ane persoun that is lang absent furth of the realme, animo remanendi, aucht to be summonit in sik sorte that the same may cum to his knauledge. And is not sufficient to summond him upon thrie scoir dayes warning. Thair was ane Bothvell that persevit his eme, the bischope of Orkney, to heir and sie ane decreit reducit ... space of fyfteine zeiris, animo remanendi, was be his lang absence reputt and holdine [{i}The text breaks off in the middle of a phrase - as in Adv.MSS.24.1.4, 24.1.8 and Signet 37 part III fol. 108. This happens to be the last page of a quire, but this cannot be the reason why the text breaks off, since the remaining half of the line and subsequent space for seven other lines are left free. The reason why the text breaks off must thus be sought in the model MS, and not in the present copy from it. The continuation of the text for the years up to November 1592 is preserved in Adv.MS.24.1.5 fol. 204v ss.{/i}]