Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Index huius voluminis

Index huius voluminis , to fol. 94r-199r. The character of the handwriting differs from the foregoing.

[{i}Text:{/i}] Follows ane index of all the following papers and collections insert in this book.

1. Inprimis the copie of ane English double bond [{i}= fol. 94r{/i}].

2. Sir Archibald Primross gift to be Clerk Register [{i}= fol. 94v-96v{/i}].

3. Sir Thomas Murrayes gift as Clerk of the Register [{i}= fol. 96v-97v{/i}].

4. Heall of cause of the Hammermen of Edenbrugh [{i}= fol. 98r-99r, copy of a document from 1596/4/12{/i}].

5. Extract of ane English testament registrat [{i}= fol. 99v-100r, copy of a document London 1641{/i}].

6. Copie of Arbuthnots Remission in 1421 [{i}= fol. 100v-101r, remission granted to Hugh Arbuthnot of that ilk for the slaughter of John Balavill of Glenbervy{/i}].

7. Charter party betuixt a merchand and a skipper [{i}= fol. 101r-102r, document of 1670{/i}].

8. Act for regulating coaches in 1673 [{i}= fol. 102v-103v{/i}].

9. Contract for building a house in Edenbrugh [{i}= fol. 104r-105v, document of 1679{/i}].

10. Heall of cause of the Chirurgians at Edenbrugh [{i}= fol. 105v-108r, document of incorporation, 1505{/i}]. As also the Fleschers of Edenbrugh, ibidem [{i}= fol. 108v-110v, historical notes{/i}].

11. Ane historiall tract of the staggering state of the Scottish Statsmen from 1550 till 1663 [{i}= fol. 110r-161v, there follows a list of Scottish statesmen, fol. 162r-v{/i}]. 12. Ane answer to the printed narrative in defence of the forces sent to the West in 1678 [{i}= fol. 166r-169r{/i}].

13. The Duke of Lauderdales commission for the convention of Estates in 1678 [{i}= fol. 169v-170r{/i}].

14. et 15. Bishop Paterson and Sir George Mackeinzies lettres upon the state of affairs then [{i}= fol. 170r-171r and 171v-172r{/i}].

16. The Earle of Danbies speach and defences against his judgement of treason [{i}= fol. 172v-175v, January 1679{/i}].

17. Two commissions to the Duke of Buccleuch to be generall of the forces in 1679 in the West [{i}= fol. 175v-177r{/i}].

18. The Presbyterians declaration then in armes at Bothwellbridge in 1679 [{i}= fol. 177v-179r{/i}].

19. The English peers their addresse and petition for a Parliament in 1679 [{i}= fol. 179v-180v{/i}].

20. A large vindication of the Scots Presbyterians from the seditious Sanquar declaration in 1680 against Mr. Donald Cameron [{i}= fol. 181r-186v{/i}].

21. Some observes from Craigs manuscript against the Jesuit Dolman, De successione regni Angliae [{i}= fol. 187r-191r{/i}].

22. The speaches of Sir William Johns, Sir Peter Glyns, the Earles of Clare, Shaftsbury, Essex, etc. in the English parliament in 1680, shewing the great heats and factions at that tyme [{i}= fol. 192r-199r{/i}]

No. of pages: Fol. 93