Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Ordo iudiciarius Scotiae : treatise 'Commissars are judges'


  • Comissars are judges be vertew [and then:] of ther comissiones


  • day\ and\ yeir\ within\ sowmes,\

Ordo iudiciarius Scotiae: treatise 'Commissars are judges' . Ecclesiastical procedure in Commissary Courts.

The same scribe continues, but he almost immediately changes the type of paper

No. of pages: Fol. 62r-70a recto:

Rubric: Ane short collection of the consistoriall lawes and forme of proces before the Comissars and of some other things relateing thairto, and of some practiques befor the Lords of Sessione concerninge the executors and intrometters with executors goods quhich may be practized be all Comissars in thair decisions of ecclesiasticall nature. 1672


  • Comissars are judges be vertew of ther comissiones to decyde in causses beneficiall, matters of teyinds, actiones matrimoniall such as nullities and reductions of mariadges of impotencie and inabilitie


  • of all persutes for moveables, sowmes, within yeir and day