Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Milano, BTrivulziana, 688

Century: VIII.2

Number of folios: 250

Material: memb.

Height: 220

Width: 185

Region and Place of Production: Italia (Novara)

Scribe(s) / Possessor(s):

  • Titus Novariensis episcopus, in seinem Auftrag geschrieben (Possessor)
  • Belgioioso, no.164 (Possessor)

Catalogue(s): Lowe, Codices Latini Antiquiores, III,366; Porro 197; Santoro 155

Literature quoting this MS: Conrat, Geschichte 59; Hänel, Epitome III-IV

Analyzed by: Dolezalek*

Microfilm(s): MsF Frankfurt MPI 1671;