Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Aberdeen, UL, 558

Century: XVII (a.1673)

Number of folios: 382

Material: chart.

Height: 302

Width: 189

Region and Place of Production: Britannia

Scribe(s) / Possessor(s):

  • Alexander Spalding, Aberdeen, saec. XVII. Purchased for Aberdeen UL in 1902 (Possessor)
  • Patrick Whyt (Scriptor)

Cover: saec. XVIII, leather on cardboard</p> <p> Watermark: jug, large, with letters G (or Q) and beneath C H, on base a trefoil, on lid five long skittles: four bear three balls, yet the middle skittle bears a four-petaled blossom and a fleur-de-lis. Altogether 110 mm high (fol. 81, 83, 382, very similar or identical to one of the watermarks in MS 3066/7).</p> <p> Foliation: modern foliation in pencil, intermittent. Old foliation in ink starts at modern numbering 88. Modern 90 is old 3, modern 100 is old 14, modern 191 is old 109, modern 381 is old 289.</p> <p> Fol. 1r [{i}indication of contents:{/i}] Ane practiqu Booke contayning 64 titles. Beginneing at the first page and ending at the 109 leafe. Therafter followes divers uthers practiqus. Beginning againe at the 110 leafe and first figure and sua furth unto the end. Togither with ane table quhair ilk practiqu is to be found, after the order of the alphabet. Collected and coppied out of authentick practiqu bookes gathered befor the Lords and uthers famous inferiour Judicatories, wher Regiam maiestatem and divers acts of Parliament is also often quoted. Be Alexander Spalding Advocat befor the Commissar off Aberdein, and written with the hand off Patrik Whyt who beganne therto upon the nynteinth of November 1673

Literature quoting this MS: Dolezalek, Scotland under Jus Commune, vols. 1 and 3

Analyzed by: Dolezalek*