Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Cologny, Cod. Bodmer 107

Century: IX ex.

Number of folios: 143

Material: memb.

Height: 240

Width: 175

Region and Place of Production: Germania (G. septentrio-occidentalis)

Fascicles: Quaterniones

Scribe(s) / Possessor(s):

  • Pfarrbibliothek Groß-Welditz bei Löwenberg (Possessor)
  • Solms-Baruth, Johann-Christian, Graf (a.1789), Schloss Klitschdorf (nowadays Kliczków in Poland) (Possessor)
  • Fulda, Abbatia, usque ad saec. XVI (Possessor)


Literature quoting this MS: Beyerle/Buchner, Lex Ribuaria 38; Conrat, Geschichte 92; Eckhardt, Pactus K.62; Krusch, Lex Baiuvariorum 89-99; Mommsen, Codex Theodosianus LVII Lehmann, MGH Leges V. 1; Conrat, ZRG RA 9 (1888) 389-392