Glasgow, Mitchell L = Mitchell Library (Public Library of Glasgow), North Street, Glasgow G3 7DN, United Kingdom*
The 'Accession' Numbers were attributed to individual items in the volumes. As it frequently happens, a particular volume may contain several separate items. Such MSS then treated as a series of 'Accession' Numbers. For instance, Accessions 187631-187634 physically constitute one volume = they are bound together in one volume.
In the Catalogue, the digits of the Accession Number are often preceded by some letter, e.g. "A”, or "C”, or "M”. These letters should be ignored. They originate from some previous scheme of classification which is no longer in use.
Furthermore, the Catalogue contains yet another kind of obsolete information: pencil marks in the upper right corner of each entry tell where the MS happened to be physically located at the time when the Catalogue was made (example: 'SR 177').