Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Ius proprium Scotiae - Treatise "Minor practicks"


  • Thomas Hope of Craighall


  • In primis ther is ane generall [and then:] that na sumonds can be called


  • exceptioune\ and\ action\ both\

Ius proprium Scotiae - Treatise "Minor practicks" .

The text here has been alleged to be the authentic original, penned by the author. This opinion is not founded. The handwriting differs from MSS known to have been penned by Sir Thomas Hope, the language is partly anglicised, and the text is divided into chapters with chapter headings, whereas evidence from other MSS shows that this division is not authentic


  • Thomas Hope of Craighall

No. of pages: Pag. 23-210

Rubric: Ane abridgment of the forme of proces befor the Lords


  • Caput 1. In primis ther is ane generall that na sumonds can be called befor the Lords till the first day of compeirance be bygaine


  • Cap. 16. Of tailies. Ther is a difference betuix a band or contract of tailie ... bot adiudicatioune carrieth(?) both action and exceptioune