Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Ordo iudiciorum curiae Admiralatus Angliae


  • Richard Zouch


  • freind\ greit\ no\ be\ to\ seems\

Ordo iudiciorum curiae Admiralatus Angliae . Treatise on Admiralty jurisdiction in England.

Dated 1689, at the end. Yet, a letter to the reader bears the date 1663. I thus assume that the author published the text in 1663, and that the present copy was written in 1689. Very neat handwriting


  • Richard Zouch

No. of pages: Pag. 383-491

Rubric: The iurisdiction of the Admiralty of England asserted, against Sir Edward Coke's Articuli Admiralitatis in xxii chapters of his {i}Jurisdiction of courts{/i}. By Richard Zouch doctor of the civill laus, and late judge of the High Court of Admiralty


  • without respect to the Chancery, to which Sir Edward Cook seems to be no greit freind. FI 16 N 8 I 9 S