Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Ordo iudiciorum Scotiae - Treatise 'In all actiounis and pleyes thrie persounis are necessar' ("Form of process")


  • In all actioun thrie persones [and then:] ar necessare


  • Sessioun\ the\ of\ Lordis\ onlie\

Ordo iudiciorum Scotiae - Treatise 'In all actiounis and pleyes thrie persounis are necessar' ("Form of process") , edited in print in 1609.

The text corresponds, although much shorter, to the work published by John Skene together with his Scots translation of Regiam maiestatem, Edinburgh 1609

No. of pages: Fol. 152r-156r (second series 13r-17r):

Rubric: Certane observatiounis anent the forme and ordour of proces usit before the Lordis of Sessioun


  • [{i}first chapter:{/i}] In all actioun thrie persones ar necessare: judge, actor, reus. The judge hes sundrie jurisdictionis, for sum actionis ar criminall, quhilk concernis lyf and lim or tinsell of ony of thame ... Sum actionis ar ecclesiastik and perteinis to the jurisdictioun of the kirk, quhilk is callit 'curia christianitatis', sik as testamentes, legacies, mariage and divorcement ... Last, sum actionis ar civill, concerning landis, debtis, pecuniall paines, quhilk perteinis propir to the Lordis of Sessioun as supreme and competent judges.

    [{i}Incipit of second chapter:{/i}] Off the pairtis of ane proces, cap. 2. All proces and forme of judgement hes thrie pairtis. The first is the summondis. The secund is litiscontestatioun. The thrid is sentence definitive.

    [{i}Further chapter headings:{/i}] Of the summondis, cap. 3. De actore absente et reo presente, cap. 4. De reo absente et actore presente, cap. 5. De utroque tam actore quam reo comparente, cap. 6. De modo ac ordine proponendi exceptiones, cap. 7. De exceptione et eius divisione, cap. 8. De exceptionibus dilatoriis, cap. 9. De exceptionibus peremptoriis, cap. 10. De litis contestatione, cap. 11. De diversis generibus probationum, cap. 12. De juramento, et primum juramento calumniae, cap. 13. De juramento decisorio litis, cap. 14. De juramento in litem, cap. 15. De probatione per scripta, cap. 16. De probatione per testes, cap. 17. De probatione libelli per testes, cap. 18. De probatione exceptionis per testes, cap. 19. De probatione replicationis per testes, cap. 20. Quibus modis finitur probatio, cap. 21. De sententia, cap. 22. De sententiae executione, cap. 23 [{i}22 and 23 written after 24, on fol. 155v-156r{/i}].

    [{i}Last chapter heading:{/i}] De sententiae executione impedienda, cap. 24 [{i}numbering corrected from '22', text written on fol. 155r{/i}]


  • inferiour judge may not suspend thair decreit, but onlie Lordis of the Sessioun [{i}= ed. Skene, chapter 35, nr. 16{/i}].

    [{i}Chapter 23 was omitted above, by mistake, and it is thus appended here at the end, followed by a note explaining the mistake:{/i}] De sententiae executione, cap. 23 ... be waird, zit I may poind your movabils and compryse your landis [{i}= ed. Skene, chapter 32, nr. 7-8. Appended note:{/i}] This chapter aucht to be insert in the secund roivne immediatlie preceiding, and the penult. aucht to be antepenult., and the antepenult. sould fill this hinnerest roivme. Finis