Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Ius proprium Scotiae - Treatise "Minor practicks"


  • Thomas Hope of Craighall


  • First ther is a generall, that [and then:] no summonds can be called


  • causa\ et\ conditione\ sua\ cum\

Ius proprium Scotiae - Treatise "Minor practicks"


  • Thomas Hope of Craighall

No. of pages: Pag. 1-178

Rubric: Elements of the municipal law and practique of Scotland, by Sir Thomas Hope


  • First ther is a generall, that no summonds can be called befor the Lords quhill the first day.

    [{i}Headings within the work:{/i}] Anent kirks and bishops and distinctioun of benefices. Anent patronages ecclesiasticall. Anent laick patronages. Anent chapters. Anent conventuall bretheren. Anent ministries and collegiatt kirks. Anent Commisaries. Anent testaments. Anent quhat bands and quhen an aire is conveinable. Anent universal successors. Anent divers sorts of airs and how they sould be persewed. Anent quhat is due to the air generall. Anent succession to heritage and diversitie therof. Anent the succession to reversions, taks, etc. Anent the relief due to the superior at the entrie to ward, blenche of few lands. Anent the old and new extent and reason of difference thairof. Anent the retourt dewtie. Anent the book of responde and use therof. Anent precepts of seasing to superiors, and the raisons of suspending thairof. Anent precepts of 'Clare constat'. Anent infeftments base and publik. Anent infeftments upon resignation and confirmation. Anent resignation prior and posterior. Anent necessitie of confirmation, and anent wedsets under reversion and renunciation in redemptions. Anent reversions. Anent lyfrent escheit falling in the person of a donatar under his simple escheit. Anent escheit disponed to the rebell. Anent simple escheit. Anent forfaltur, bastardie and last air. Anent signatour and their distinction. Anent the great, quarter and pryvie seals. Anent the kings cachet. Anent the forme of passing of signators, diversitie of precepts of seasing and forme of taking thairof. Anent jurisdiction of barrons and shirrefs. Anent lords and baillis of regalitie. Anent burrows, ther distinction and jurisdiction. De judicio possessorio. Anent ejection or intrusion. Anent the breif of perambulation. Anent the breif of lyning. Anent reduction ex capite inhibitionis. Anent comprysings. Anent adjudication. Anent improbation and reduction. Anent removings. De nullitate iuris et facti. De legibus iubentibus et prohibentibus. Anent the direct and indirect maner of improbation. Anent the order of proponing exceptions. Anent exceptions in removings. Anent horning and suspending thairof. Anent partiall exceptions. Anent decreits obtenit via ordinaria and ther difference from others. Anent suspension of decreits, givine upon a first suspension. Anent reduction of decreits. Anent assignations. Anent tailzies


  • {i}Main text, pag. 178:{/i}] but cum sua conditione et causa. [{i}A later hand added:{/i} Finis]