Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Ius proprium Scotiae - Practicks (general digest of law, systematic) "Major practicks" : only 1.1-8


  • Thomas Hope of Craighall


  • The whole laues of the [and then:] kingdome of Scotland ware written in Latyn

Ius proprium Scotiae - Practicks (general digest of law, systematic) "Major practicks": only 1.1-8 .

Started by the scribe who wrote fol. 115r-117r, in rough handwriting, but on fol. 119r another scribe took over and wrote very neatly upon generously spaced lines, in characters typical for the first half of the 17th century. This second part of the MS might be older than the first part which was only started in 1643. No mention of an author and no title. The text is ever so often interrupted by headings which probably stood at the top of pages of the model MS. The scrivener copied them as he went along, without concern where they belong


  • Thomas Hope of Craighall

No. of pages: Fol. 117v-176r


  • Tomus primus. De iuri. et iure quo utimur, titulus i., pars prima. De iure, titulus primus. The whole laues of the kingdome of Scotland ware written in Latyn of old untill King James the first tyme.

    [{i}Further chapter headings:{/i}] Of the king, tit. 2. Of the kirke and kirkmen, tit. 4. Of burrowes, tit. 5. Anent Exchequer, tit. 6.

    [{i}Text breaks off at end of title 1.8:{/i}] Off the patrimony of the kirk, tit. 8 [{i}fol. 165v{/i}]. A churchman may not set an tack of the church lands. No church man may dispone heretablie anie part of the church lands without consent or confirmation of the king, quia eorum baronie sunt de chinosura dominii regis ... The provestrie of Kirkheuch is annexed to the archbishop of Saint Andrews, excepting the kirk of Syrie which is erected in a severall personage, and the patronage thereof disponed to John Lord Lindsay: 1621 p. 176, with some uther reservations. Finis.

    Fol. 176v-178v blank