Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Ordo iudiciorum Cancellariae Scotiae, treatise 'The ordour of the kings Chappell or Chancellary consistis cheiflie'


  • The ordour of the Chapple ore [and then:] Chancellerie consists first and cheiflie

Ordo iudiciorum Cancellariae Scotiae, treatise 'The ordour of the kings Chappell or Chancellary consistis cheiflie'

No. of pages: Fol. 89v-94r

Rubric: The ordour of Chancellarie


  • The ordour of the Chapple ore Chancellerie consists first and cheiflie in the derection of breives.

    [{i}Last item:{/i}] Service of breives of the breive of mortanccestrie[!] ore inquest, tua kinds of breivs of inquist. Ther is but tuo kynds of breives in the Chancellarie for serving and entering of airs. The ane is the breive of airs of lyn commounlie usit, and the wther is the breive of tailzie. Of the quhilk breive of tailzie ane may be servit noght onlie air of tailzie but also aine air may be servit as ane maill(?) speciallie(?) if he be not aine air ... is maill of lyn, for all aires maill is not tailzie but all airs tailzie is maill