Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Decisiones curiae supremae Scotiae - Practicks 1574/5/2 - 1578/3/10


  • Ane man eftir his death levis [and then:] behind him ane dussone


  • penetentis\ non\ et\

Decisiones curiae supremae Scotiae - Practicks 1574/5/2 - 1578/3/10 (and questions of law).

No title. The handwriting resembles the one of Sinclair's Practicks in the present volume, and also the last part of Maitland's Practicks and first leaves of Colville's Practicks fol. 26-109. The ink is weak. Year dates mentioned: 1577, 1578/3/10, 1574/5/15, 1574/5/20, 1574/5/2 and 1574/6/14, 1574/6/18, 1574/11/11. It appears that many items regard the jurisdiction of the Commissars. Parties' names are anonymized as Gaius, Titius, Sempronius, Lucretia, Cornelia

No. of pages: Fol. [313r-316v] (second series, leaves not numbered):


  • [{i}First items:{/i}]. Ane man eftir his death levis behind him ane dussone of silver spones. Queritur: gif the air of the man departit suld have the dussone silver spones, cum onere payand the thing thai ly for, or sine onere. Respondetur: [{i}space for the answer is left free{/i}].

    Ane air gettis na kew in airschip. The air being persuadit be his fader to give ane discharge of certane airschip to his fader befoir his deceis, befoir gif he resave the best of his geir. Queritur: gif the discharge may stand be the law of nocht. Respondetur: [{i}space for the answer is left free{/i}].

    Ane silver tass, albeit befoir the faderis deceiss it be strickin togidder, zit it remanes ane tass, and sall appertene to the air. MacGill. Ane man haveand ane silver tass, dispones the same efter the contracting of his seiknes in the quhilk he deis, ather be gift of uther wayis, and nocht for povertie. Queritur. Gif the same sall appertene to the air, and quhow and in quhat maner sall the air persed and cum to the same [{i}space for the answer is left free{/i}].

    Ane man, haveing in his chartour of blanche halding of his superiour this claus of service, 'faciendo inde Scotianum servitium domino regi'.

    [{i}Last items:{/i}].

    Ane decrete can nocht be provin be witnes, bot onlie be wreit, videlicet ane man may nocht preve be witnes aganis his competitour and the memberis of the court that sic ane decrete wes gevin and pronuncit, bot onlie be wreit and the buikis of the court and memberis thairof quair it wes alleget to be gevin, as wes practicat betuix William Gray of Barrak aganis Strahauquhane of Glenkindy and the schereff of Abirdene his deputis clerks and the rest of the memberis of his court. Quhilk William Gray tuik to preif aganis the saidis persones be witnes that thair wes ane decrete pronuncit in his faderis favour aganis auld Glenkindy, be the said schereff and his deputis, and malitiouslie abstractit and destroyit be the saidis defendaris. The Lordis vald admit na sic probatioun be witnes. xi. Novembris 1574.

    Apperand airis, albeit nocht enterit nor retourit airis, may persew for exhibiting of sic contractis and infeftmentis as ar neidfull for thame to get service of sic landis quhairin he deid last vest and sasit ... as wes practisit in the actioun intentit be Helene Orme(?) and Henry Adamesoun, hir spous, aganis Henry Orme of Mugdoun.

    Cornelia, haveand nathing moveable of hir father (utpote cuius debita in testamento excedebant bona), and contracting and mareand Titius, and haveand na tocher preter profectitiam quhilk scho gat ... will appertene to the air.

    Nather heretage nor airschip may be left on deidbed, for sic dispositio est inutilis, and the same will cum to the air, nochtwithstanding thairof.

    The 22 Februarii (1574). In the actioun betuix [{i}free space{/i}] Douglas [{i}large free space{/i}], the Lordis fand in ane lettre of slanis that the same aucht to be subscryvit be the cheiff and principall of the heirs of ilk ane of the sones beant his umquhill airis, nocht(?) to be sufficient. Item that the exhibitioun of the tenour(?) is necessair, ... penetentis


  • becaus thai ar indices animi reconciliati, et non penetentis