Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Ordo iudiciorum Scotiae - Treatise 'In the first, quhair the lybellat sumondis are requirit'


  • In the first, quhair the [and then:] libellat summondis ar requirit


  • samyne\ the\ of\ probatioun\ for\

Ordo iudiciorum Scotiae - Treatise 'In the first, quhair the lybellat sumondis are requirit'

No. of pages: Fol. 13v-14v

Rubric: The forme and ordour of proces usit befoir the Lordis of the Sessioun


  • In the first, quhair the libellat summondis ar requirit, the samyn ar execute upone the premonitioun of xxi. dayis warning, summoning the partie to compeir befoir the saidis Lordis the day contenit in the same.

    (End:) Item lettres ar direct, chargeing pairtie to compeir to gif juramentum calumniae, with certificatioun, gif he comperis not, he sal be haldin pro confesso, namelie quhen he is chargeit personalie be ane officiar of armes. Item anent the reply ... the samyne


  • as ane exceptioun hes bot ane terme assignit for probatioun of the samyne