Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Decisiones curiae supremae Scotiae - Practicks 1540-1592 (alphabetical index 'Absolutio prout libellatur')


  • John Sinclair later Bishop of Brechin
  • Richard Maitland of Lethington
  • Alexander Colville commendator of Culross


  • Absolutio prout libellatur non [and then:] solet causam exprimere


  • faith\ na\ makes\ partie,\ ane\ by\

Decisiones curiae supremae Scotiae - Practicks 1540-1592 (alphabetical index 'Absolutio prout libellatur') .

Parallel to Adv.MS.24.1.4 fol. 372r ss. Written by again a different hand. Readable, but not easy. Alphabetical list of very short summaries of propositions of law, grouped under letters A-W, not referring to any source from which they were abstracted. In many of these propositions the underlying concepts of Jus commune can be discerned

Author(s): John Sinclair later Bishop of Brechin; Richard Maitland of Lethington; Alexander Colville commendator of Culross

No. of pages: Part III, fol. 149r-174v


  • [{i}First entries:{/i}] A A A. Absolutio prout libellatur non solet causam exprimere.

    Act of adjurnall stayes not ane mans laufull defences in iudicio civili.

    Actio non potest conquiri upone double poynding.

    Actor, lite contestata, non potest renuntiare instanter, reo invito.

    The kings causes all are advocat to the Lords of Session.

    Act of Pinkicleugh has no place.

    [{i}Last entries:{/i}] WWW ... Ane woman making contract without her husbands consent is nul and may not be reg(ist)rat. Ane witness deponeing de scientia and uther de credulitate proves sufficiently.

    Voluntas morte extinguitur.

    Act of parliament againest usure will not strike upon merchands, quia gaudent privilegio favoris trajectitiae pecuniae.

    Wryttsleft or takine away be the adversar partie may be provine be witnes, of the law.

    The Wyfe, having ane tack sett to her by her husband.

    The Wyfebeing in company with her husband cannot be called for spuilzie


  • Wrytts contrair, poduced by ane partie, makes na faith