Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Institutions of the law of Scotland


  • James Dalrymple later 1st Viscount Stair


  • Jurisprudence is the knowledge [and then:] of rights


  • Manderstoune\ contra\ Dingwall\
  • Wilkisone\ contra\ Cranstoune\ [preceding:] 1666.\ Juli\ 10\ thairof.\ cause\ the\

Institutions of the law of Scotland . Written by only one hand, very neatly, on several types of paper


  • James Dalrymple later 1st Viscount Stair

No. of pages: Fol. 1r-239r

Rubric: [{i}Title, on flyleaf:{/i}] Decisiones before the Lords of Counsell and Sessione, partlie collected out of the writtings of learned lawyers, and partlie observed by Sir James Dalrymple of Staires, Praesident of the Sessione, in anno [{i}date not written {/i}]


  • Comone principalls. Titulus primus [{i}there follows a list of 26 headings of paragraphs in this title{/i}]. 1 ยง Jurisprudence is the knowledge of rights


  • (Titulus 31. Vitious intromissione ...) Vitious intromissione in England infers only restitutione ... 1628, Lord Dingwall contra Manderstoune.

    [{i}Addition:{/i}] It wes also lathe resolved be the Lords that the passive titles of behaveing as aire and vitious intromissione quhich sapiunt delicta should not be competent against any as representing defuncts who wer alleadged vitious intromittors, not being intented in ther owne tyme, when they could purge the vitiosity or instruct

  • (end of the addition:) the cause thairof. 10 Juli 1666. Cranstoune contra Wilkisone, etc. Finis.

    Fol. 239v-240v blank