Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Ius proprium Scotiae - Treatise on the office of messengerie 'In the course of my imployment'


  • A. F. writer to the Signet


  • In the course of my imployment [and then:] as a member of the College of Justice
  • The execution of summondses [and then:] and all dilligences was of old done be the sheriffs


  • designed\ I\ what\ achieved\ have\

Ius proprium Scotiae - Treatise on the office of messengerie 'In the course of my imployment' .

The work is dated 1715. Eight chapters. Catalogues of printed books mention a volume by Robert Thomson (editor?), {i}The duty and office of a messenger at arms{/i}, Edinburgh 1790. I have not seen it. It might be related to the MS


  • A. F. writer to the Signet

No. of pages: Pag. 1-150

Rubric: An essay upon the office of messengrie


  • [{i}Preface:{/i}] In the course of my imployment as a member of the College of Justice I have been many times, contrary to my inclinations, necessitate, at the request and by the importunity of my freinds and relations ... he' ll do in avery short time
  • [{i}Main text:{/i}] Of the office of messengrie. Chapter 1. The execution of summondses and all dilligences was of old done be the sheriffs while processes proceeded upon breives out of the Chancellary.

    [{i}Last chapter, numbered 8, pag. 137-150:{/i}].

    Having now gone through the several parts of the office of messengrie, it will not be amiss to treat brieffly of the crime of deforcement, which is committed by these who stop, molest, disturb or invade Officers of Arms ... Having now gone brieffly through all the parts of the office of messengrie and also curtly treated of the crime of deforcement, I shall not divert the reader any farther from matters of greater moment. And if my weak endeavours shall in the least contribute to his satisfaction and to the good ... designed. Finis


  • to the good of the leiges, I have (achieved) what I designed