LOCATION | Edinburgh, NL Scotland |
MANUSCRIPT | Edinburgh, NL Scotland, Adv.MS.31.2.5 |
ITEM No. 4 | Ordo iudiciorum Cancellariae Scotiae, treatise 'The ordour of the kings Chappell or Chancellary consistis cheiflie' |
Ordo iudiciorum Cancellariae Scotiae, treatise 'The ordour of the kings Chappell or Chancellary consistis cheiflie'
Ordo iudiciorum Cancellariae Scotiae, treatise 'The ordour of the kings Chappell or Chancellary consistis cheiflie'
No. of pages: Pag. 103-112v
Rubric: The ordour off the Chancellarie
The names and number of breiffes. Off old ther were sundrie sorts of brieffes, now out of use, as may appear in the book called 'Regiam magistatem'.
[{i}Text breaks off, incomplete:{/i}] Anent entres to comprysed lands. Rubrica. If he frae whome the lands be comprysed, deceis before saising be taken be any persone be vertue of the same comprysing, his air ought and should be retoured and servit to the said comprysit lands, because comprysing of lands and [{i}the text breaks off at the end of the page{/i}]