Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Decisiones curiae supremae Scotiae - Practicks 1661-1674 (digest, alphabetical)


  • Colin Campbell Lord Aberuchill


  • Act of indemnitie

Decisiones curiae supremae Scotiae - Practicks 1661-1674 (digest, alphabetical)


  • Colin Campbell Lord Aberuchill

No. of pages: (item 1)

Rubric: [{i}Title only supplied by a hand saec. XVIII:{/i}] Decisions of the Court of Session, by Lord Aberuchill, wrote by himself.

Short abstracts of decisions, collected under alphabetically arranged keywords. Within each keyword the decisions are arranged in largely chronological order. Many blank folios are inserted between keywords and even within some of the keywords. The volume ends with a list of all keywords


  • [{i}First keywords:{/i}] Act of indemnitie. Advocats and agents. Abstracted multures. Amerciament. Acompts. Airs. Annat.

    [{i}Last keywords:{/i}] Vaccand stipends. Vassalls. Wrongous intromissione. Viccarage