Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Biblia : Genesis 23-24, translation and exegesis


  • Ego sum peregrinus. I am ane [and then:] stranger, and ane uncouth mane amang zow zettits

Biblia: Genesis 23-24, translation and exegesis .

Long exegesis of passages from the book of Genesis, quoting lemmata from the Latin vulgate text and adding translations in the vernacular tongue. Written by an additional hand, much younger, in small characters

No. of pages: Fol. 91v


  • Ego sum peregrinus. I am ane stranger, and ane uncouth mane amang zow zettits, quairfoir grant me ane possessione of burial amang zow quhair I may bury Sara my vyf quhilk is deid.

    Heus, heus, puella. Damisel, ahaw, ahaw, gif me a litil watir armle of yi pitcher.

    [{i}Text breaks off at end of page:{/i}] gave me requeistlie watir out of the pig and also watir