Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Ordo iudiciorum criminalium Scotiae "Iter Justitiari" : in Scots, with styles


  • Archibald Earl of Orkney


  • Ane precept direct be the [and then:] Justiciar to proclame ane justice air

Ordo iudiciorum criminalium Scotiae "Iter Justitiari": in Scots, with styles .

No mention of an author, and no title. Written by again another hand, also hasty. Year dates 1569 (fol. 285r), 1573 (fol. 286v-287r), 1574 (fol. 287v), 1576 (fol. 288r)


  • Archibald Earl of Orkney

No. of pages: Fol. 280r-288r


  • Ane precept direct be the Justiciar to proclame ane justice air. Archibaldus comes Orgadie etc., Justiciarius Generalis soverani domini nostri regis.

    [{i}Further headings:{/i}] Ane precept for summoning of personis to gif by dittay. Ane lettre of finance with ane Justice in ane justice air. The forme of the extract of ane justice air. Ane sommand to the crownaris to mak arreistment upoun the personis gevin to thame in p [{i}abbreviation{/i}]. [{i}etc. etc., then on fol. 282v:{/i}] Places quhair the kingis dittay suld be uptakin in everie schire of this realme. In primis Bervik, dittay to be uptakin at Dunss, Coldinghame, Lauder ... [{i}etc., then follows planning for justice airs up to 1576, from fol. 285r onward:{/i}] August 1569. Dyettis set for uptaking of dittay as followis: at Cowpar upoun Monenday and Tuisday, the xii and xiiii of September