Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Versus : Verses to warn possible thieves that they shall go to hell if they steal the present MS


  • Si quis hoc furto rapiat [and then:] volumen / atque viscosis manibus raserit nomen

Versus: Verses to warn possible thieves that they shall go to hell if they steal the present MS

No. of pages: Fol. 301v


  • [{i}Text:{/i}] Si quis hoc furto rapiat volumen / atque viscosis manibus raserit (word skipped:) nomen, / pergat ad tetras Ascheromptis(?) undas [{i}followed by letters smeared with ink, possibly an owner's name 'Ch...', but I could not even read it with ultraviolet light{/i}]