Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Decisiones curiae supremae Scotiae - Practicks 1573-1592 : (1577/7/4 - 1590/6)


  • Alexander Colville commendator of Culross

Decisiones curiae supremae Scotiae - Practicks 1573-1592: (1577/7/4 - 1590/6) , heavily shortened.

Written by only one scribe, in same colour of ink as the text before: yellowish-brownish, in some passages thinned to become a watery light brown. One change of hands occurs shortly before the end, on fol. 248r. This is only a selection from Colville's items, and in most cases their text is also heavily shortened. The text still preserves some quotations of Jus Commune, but they are often garbled - for instance fol. 245r, December 1589: 'de iure privil. c. ca. nol., de falsis instrumentis, C. si falsos codicellos, q(ui) (enim) utitur falso, est falsarius et incidit in crimen legis Cornelie [C.9.22]'.

[{i}First items:{/i}] The Laird of Cambus givis in ane supplicatioun to the Lords, desyrand to have diligence ... [{i}not dated, shortened version of the usual first item of Colville's Practicks{/i}].

1577/12/10 Decreit beand gevin upoun ane warning be the space of 17 or 18 zeiris and thaireftir callit to be producit ... [{i}shortened version of what in other MSS is the third item. Corresponds to Adv.MS.24.1.8 fol. 145v, same date:{/i} Robert Forrester provost of Stirling persewit the Laird of Garden ...].

1577/12/13 Ane man beand ains admittit for his entres and proponand ane relevant exceptioun in the caus is repellit be the jugis. Thay do wrang, quia turpius ejicitur quam non admittitur hospes ... [{i}shortened version, corresponds to MS Edinburgh, Signet L, 37 fol. 21v = MS Laing III 429, fol. 149r = Adv.MS.24.1.4 fol. 168v{/i}].

[{i}Spot check of two items on fol. 200r:{/i}] 14 Junii 1581 Mungo Campbell of Bonnyside zoungar persewit his father.

Thair was ane woman callit Ross that persewit Monro ... [{i}Also on fol 203r: still the year 1581{/i}].{i}{/i}.

[{i}Last items, from fol. 248r onward:{/i}] The Laird of Sanct Monanis, beand minor and his land falling in ward, thair was decernit be the Lords ... he havand persewit ... the Laird of Keltar his guidschir ... anno 90.

The tenour of ane tak or tint evident beand provin is sufficient ad victoriam cause, albeit ... anno 90.

It was found be the Lords that tua sindrie taks beand set(?) be the vicars ... [{i}date in the margin:{/i} Junii 1590].

[{i}Change of hand, and different ink:{/i}] The Laird of Closburne as cessioner and assignay to his brother of the escheit guidis of ane Roger Kirkpatrik, and havand arreistit all the guidis and geir.

[{i}The same different ink and hand:{/i}] Thair was ane woman that deceissit in Edinburgh, callit Dik, quha beand the spous of umquhile [{i}blank{/i}] Bisset ... [{i}continues to fol. 248v, and corresponds to Adv.MS.24.1.5, fol. 236v{/i}].

(Fol. 248v) [{i}The same different ink and hand:{/i}] The Erle Bedell beand maid assigney to the Countess of Murray and hir spous to there


  • Alexander Colville commendator of Culross

No. of pages: Fol. 190v-248v