Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Decisiones curiae supremae Scotiae - Practicks 1592-1624 : (1593/12/24 - 1594/3, 1594/5/22 - 1594/6/25, 1594/11/23-30)


  • Thomas Hamilton later 1st Earl of Haddington

Decisiones curiae supremae Scotiae - Practicks 1592-1624: (1593/12/24 - 1594/3, 1594/5/22 - 1594/6/25, 1594/11/23-30) , author not verified.

I have compiled a list of all items comprised. It needs to be collated to the original of Hamilton's collection in Edinburgh, NL Scotland, Adv.MS.24.2.1. The series of practicks starts directly after the end of the series preserved in MSS Signet 34 and Adv.MS.22.3.4 . It ends with an item dated 1593/12/14.

Each item has an abstract heading. The parties' names are written in the left margin. The reports are very detailed. The diligence of the collector is also shown by the fact that he selected so many cases to be reported, often several cases from the same day.

The scribe worked relatively reliably. He even knew some Latin - not much. Latin words or phrases are often garbled.

[{i}First item:{/i}] Ane instrument of reversion (howbeit subscryved) not seallit will not be susteaned but preiudice to persew of appending the seall. Murray contra Eviot. In ane actioune persewed be Murray of Tibermoore contra Eviot of Clay for redemptione of certaine aikares besyd Sanctjohnstoun from the said Eviot, it wes alledged that no proces could be granted upoun this reversioune, becaus it wes not sealled be the pairtie, albeit the bodie boore that it wes seallit, and wher it wes alledgit that it wes subscryvit, it wes nowayes for the purpos, becaus it wes contrair to the body of the reversioune, beir mand that it wes sealled withtout onie mentioune of subscriptioune. In respect of the quhilk alledgance the defendaris wes assolzit from the redemptioune but preiudice of the persevaris actioune to persew for appending of the seall. 24 Decem. 1593.

[{i}Penultimate item: Laird of Culter v. Thomas Cumming of Kilduthie, not dated, very long, fol. 112v infra - 113r infra:{/i}] Suspition of falsett remeidit be a mid course.

[{i}Last item: Robert Bruce v. Johne Levingstone, 1594/11/30{/i}].

Fol. 114r-126r blank. The foliation ceases with fol. 113


  • Thomas Hamilton later 1st Earl of Haddington

No. of pages: Fol. 80r-113v