Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Ius proprium Scotiae - College of Justice : statutes


  • Imprimis ane act sewit in [and then:] befor the beginning of the said book

Ius proprium Scotiae - College of Justice: statutes (1532-1609).

For the disturbed chronological order see the description of Adv.MS.25.2.1

No. of pages: Fol. 87r-88v

Rubric: Note of certain acts and statuts of the Lords of Session which are contained in the great blank book, called 'The Book of Statuts', wrettin in great lumbart peaper and covered with ane cover of black embossed leather


  • Imprimis ane act sewit in befor the beginning of the said book, made by his majesty in favors of the aires and neirest of kin of these that ware direct ambassadors.

    [{i}Breaks off incomplete at the end of fol. 88v:{/i}] that remaine to be without [{i}first word of next page is anounced:{/i}] prejudice