Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Ius proprium Scotiae - Practicks (general digest of law, alphabetical) 'Actiones' - 'Woods' (= Spottiswoode rearranged)


  • Robert Spottiswoode


  • Actio est jus prosequendi in [and then:] judicio quod sibi debetur

Ius proprium Scotiae - Practicks (general digest of law, alphabetical) 'Actiones' - 'Woods' (= Spottiswoode rearranged) : model manuscript for copying [= 'exemplar'].

Many quotations of 16th c. practicks are contained. Modern foliation in pencil. Old pagination in ink 1-563 (= fol. 5r-283v). Large letters. The text would be easily readable if the ink were not so heavily faded. It appears that the entire main text of the volume (fol. 5r-382v) was written by only one scribe.

The leaves have pairs of needle stitches near the inner fold, showing that each individual fascicle had in origin been stitched together as an independent entity. The text had thus existed as an unbound pile of loose fascicles. This constituted an 'exemplar', consisting of 'petiae' (see the Introduction for an explanation of this tradition inherited from the Middle Ages)


  • Robert Spottiswoode

No. of pages: Fol. 5r-283v

Rubric: Sir Robert Spotiswoode's Practicks. There are subjoined copies of divers papers relating to the surrenders of teinds, the constitution and proceedings of the Lords Commissioners thereon, in the time of King Charles I


  • [{i}First keyword titles:{/i}] De actionibus. Actio est jus prosequendi in judicio quod sibi debetur ... [{i}as in Adv.MS.24.6.4{/i}]. Communia actionum trium ... De adquirendo rerum dominio. Advocatione. Adjudicatione. Air and airschipe. Arbiters.

    [{i}Last keyword titles:{/i}] Title and richt. Tailzes. Violent proffits. Vassalls. Usure. Universsall intromettors. Ususfructus. De verborum significatione. Ipso jure dicitur quod statim fit, quodque novum factum non exigit ... necesse nempe habet adire haereditatem. Usus et habitatio. Universitas. Warrandice. Wreitts and evidents. Waird. Woodes.

    (End:) Woodes. Vide Craig lib. 2 dia. 6. Apud nos quaestionem fuisse audivi in A. M. Da. MakGill qui sylvas, nisi speciatim nominentur ... etiamsi non exprimatur, sub generali dispositione comprehendi non putavit. Exemplum adduxit inter Somervalle Camnethen et D. Jac. Hamiltoune. Hic nempe cum omnes Somerveli terras [{i}breaks off in the middle of a phrase. The remaining four centimeters of the line are filled with ornaments{/i}]