Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Ordo iudiciorum criminalium Scotiae "Iter Justitiari"


  • Actionis ar ather civill or [and then:] criminall


  • testaments\ of\ confirmatioun\ in\

Ordo iudiciorum criminalium Scotiae "Iter Justitiari" . Details, comprised in the treatise 'In all actiounis and pleyes thrie persounis are necessar' as chapter 19

No. of pages: Fol. 47v

Rubric: Chapter 19 Of criminall actionis


  • (Chapter 19:) Actionis ar ather civill or criminall. Actionis civill ar thes that pertaines to and ar anent goodis, landis or pecuniall paines. And criminall actionis ar anent blood or lyfe, etc., some of quhilk partaine to the Croun and his Justice, and some to the shireff. 2 To the Croun partaines the cryme callit 'les majestie'.

    [{i}Last propositions of law in chapter 20:{/i}] 18 Shereffs without commissioun fra the Lords cannot sit in criminalibus, but thes sould be advocat to the Justice Curt. 19 Comissars can not decyd ane criminall soume exceiding 40 libras


  • 20 Bairnes that are forisfamiliat gettis no pairt in confirmatioun of testaments. Finis