Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Ordo iudiciorum Scotiae - Order of calling of causes "Moundayis tabill"


  • In the Moundayis table all the [and then:] summondis wil be exped(ited)


  • suspend\ will(?)\ s....\ and\

Ordo iudiciorum Scotiae - Order of calling of causes "Moundayis tabill" .

Hasty handwriting, difficult to read

No. of pages: Fol. 26r-29r

Rubric: The ordour observit be the Lordis of Sessioun in calling of thair summondis be tablis and privelegit summondis and practeis of thair proceidingis, 1579


  • In the Moundayis table all the summondis wil be exped(ited) without delyverance of billis. First, all summondis of reductioun of inferiour judges decreittis, rolmentis of courtis, contractis, actis, evidentis or quhatsumevir wryttis. And of thair awin decreittis, contractis registrat in thair buikis. And the persoun defendaris wil be compellit to produce all wryttis to be reducit.

    Secund, all summondis callit [{i}abbreviation:{/i}...] termes(?), and giff decreit be gevin for non-productioun, it will nocht be reducit. And the defendar aucht nocht to produce the Lordis decreittis, leteris or contractis in the(?) buikis to be reducit, bot the persewar is haldin to produce the samyn.

    Thrid, summondis of transferring, redemptioun, tinsall of superioriteis, and warrandice be way of actioun.

    [{i}Further chapters:{/i}] The Twisedayis table ... The Wadnisdayis and Thursdayis table ... The Frydayis table


  • to resave that samyn that man be consignit and s.... will(?) suspend