Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Ordo iudiciarius Scotiae - Injunctions to the Commissars of Edinburgh


  • That all summonds be decreit [and then:] either ad instantiam


  • actiones\ such\ all\ in\

Ordo iudiciarius Scotiae - Injunctions to the Commissars of Edinburgh

No. of pages: Fol. 80r-83r

Rubric: Instructiones to the Commissares of Edinburgh


  • That all summonds be decreit either ad instantiam or ad libellum, as the judges be ther derectione thinkes expedient, conforme to the instructiones to be given


  • Off the oathes of executors. The executors alseweell[!] testamentares as datives should sweare and make faith ... in all such actiones. 1 March 1556, 2 tom. c. 266; 17 Jully 1501, 1 tom. c. 111 [{i}extract from Balfour's Practicks, pag. 119{/i}]