Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Decisiones curiae supremae Scotiae - Practicks 1592-1624 : (1592/11 ss.)


  • Thomas Hamilton later 1st Earl of Haddington


  • Act of continuatione being [and then:] ordained in favor of the defendar
  • In ane actione persewit be [and then:] A.B.C. Douglasses, sisters to the Laird of Drumlanrig

Decisiones curiae supremae Scotiae - Practicks 1592-1624: (1592/11 ss.) .

The items are numbered 1-135. The scribe stopped after having written the number of item 135. He did thus not write the text of that item. The items are at times accompanied by short keywords or headings in the margin, and they regularly have substantive headings above the text. Dates are written at the end of the items. Parties' names, if any, are mentioned in the text and are repeated in the left margin. The text largely corresponds to the original MS of Haddington's collection, and also to its copy in Edinburgh, NL Scotland, MS.2712, but the percentage of preserved old Scottish spellings in the present copy is higher than in the latter copy


  • Thomas Hamilton later 1st Earl of Haddington

No. of pages: Fol. 14r-49v

Rubric: [{i}Title, written on flyleaf fol. 1 by a hand saec. XVII ex. /saec. XVIII:{/i}] Severall practickes collected be Thomas Earle of Hadingtoun


  • [{i}First items:{/i}] 1. [{i}Heading in the margin:{/i}] Douglas contrair Gelstoune. [{i}Heading above the text:{/i}] November 1592. Act of continuatione being ordained in favor of the defendar, he being reddie to ansser instanter, the persewer sould not delay
  • [{i}Text:{/i}] In ane actione persewit be A.B.C. Douglasses, sisters to the Laird of Drumlanrig, donatours to the waird and mariage of the Laird of Gelstone, against the said Gelstoun, he having raisit ane incident diligence and put it under continuatione, the mater wes callit. Gelstoun raiser of the diligence refuisit to insist till the day of continuatione wes grantit in ther favor that they might be the better certified. And swa they being reddie to ansser instanter without continuatione, na delay sould be granted to the purchesser of the incident. Quhilk the Lords fand relevant and ordained Gelstoun to insist.

    2. [{i}Heading in the margin:{/i}] Levingston contrair Butter. [{i}Heading above the text:{/i}] Ane man being obleisit fide media to pay ane sowme will be decernit albeit the principall pairties be not callit. And the Lords will not suspend ane decreit for reasones of reductione bot will put the suspendar to his ordinar actione. [{i}Text:{/i}] In ane actione persewit be James Livingstone, sone to the Laird of Dunipace, against Patrick Butter of Marietowne ... November 1592.

    3. [{i}In the margin:{/i}] Ladie Saltoun contrair hir tennentis. [{i}Heading above the text:{/i}] The donatour to the waird of landis is not obleist to know the taks sett be the last heretable proprietar. [{i}Text:{/i}] The Ladie Saltoun, donatour to the waird and mariage of my Lord Saltoun, persewit certane tennents ... November 1592.

    4. [{i}Heading in the margin:{/i}] Lettres conforme to ane decreit arbitrall. [{i}Heading above the text:{/i}] Lettres conforme to ane decreit arbitrall refuised. [{i}Text:{/i}] In ane actione persewit be the Ladie Bonintoun, relict of umquhill Cunninghame of Bonintone, against James Hamilton of Libertone, the Lords refuisit to give lettres conforme to ane decreit arbitrall. Quhilk the haill advocatts thought strange. November 1592.

    [{i}In the margin:{/i}] Farder hard in Januar 1592. [{i}Text:{/i}] 27 December. In this samyne actione the lettres was grantit, in respect of the practique producit betwixt the guidman of Humbie and his mother in anno 1556.

    5. [{i}In the margin:{/i}] Peibles contrair Montgomerie. [{i}Heading above the text:{/i}] The title of him quha redemit landis quarrellit be him quha renuncit and grantit redemption. [{i}Text:{/i}] In ane removing persewit be Jhone Peebles, burges of Irving, contra Neill Montgomrie ... and swa had power to sease him. November 1592.

    (Fol. 31v) 70. [{i}In the margin:{/i}] Arthur contrair Olifer. [{i}Heading above the text:{/i}] Old fews ar not subject to the new ordour of confirmatione, and poore men, having onlie two or three aikers, ar not able to passe the sealls. [{i}Text:{/i}] Mr. Jhone Arthure, commissar, having obtenit infeftment of our soverane Lord of certane few lands lyand within Gulen and Dirletoune ... 27 December 1592 [{i}Text corresponds to Colville's collection in Adv.MS.22.3.4{/i}].

    71. [{i}In the margin:{/i}] Mauchan contrair Carkettle. [{i}Heading above the text:{/i}] He quha spuilzies his parties evidents of the land that is debeatable, tynes his heretabill rycht of the saids lands. [{i}Text:{/i}] Edward Mauchan and Thomas, his sone, persewit Agnes Mauchan and George Karkettle, hir spous, to heir and sie them decernit to have tint and amittit all rycht ... 27 December 1592.

    [{i}Last items:{/i}].

    133. [{i}In the margin:{/i}] Broket contrair Broket. [{i}Heading above the text:{/i}] Evident, tane to be improvin, being approvin be the direct maner, the indirect improbatione will not be receavit. [{i}Text:{/i}] In ane actione betwix Broket, the father, and Broket, his sone ... the assignatione for the causses foirsaid.

    134. [{i}In the margin:{/i}] Murray contrair Heries and Wilson. [{i}Heading above the text:{/i}] Ane improbatione of ane confirmation is not sufficient to summond the alledgit falsifiers and users, bot all wthers knowin to the persewer to have entres mon be persewit. [{i}Text:{/i}] David Murray, sone to the Laird of Cokpoole, persewet ane Hereis and ane Wilsone ... and thairfor wald not give proces to the persewar.

    135. [{i}The scribe only wrote the number, '135', and then stopped. The remaining lines of the page are empty.{/i}]