Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Ordo iudiciarius Scotiae - Injunctions to the Commissars of Edinburgh : 1563


  • The summondes, haill proces [and then:] and sentence to be in the wulgar tongue


  • thairof\ pairt\ thair\ concernes\

Ordo iudiciarius Scotiae - Injunctions to the Commissars of Edinburgh: 1563 .

Still in the same handwriting. The text corresponds to the pertinent section of the printed edition of Balfour's Practicks, p. 655-662

No. of pages: Fol. 109r-112r


  • The summondes, haill proces and sentence to be in the wulgar tongue. That all summonds be directit either ad instantiam or ad libellum as the judges be their directione thinks expedient


  • Item the foure Commissars of Edinburgh shall subscryve thir instructiones forsaids to all particular inferior commissars, swa farre as concernes thair pairt thairof