Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Decisiones curiae supremae Scotiae - Practicks 1592-1624 'Sex goldin buttones' : (1609/11/4 - 1623/12/12)


  • Thomas Hamilton later 1st Earl of Haddington


  • Sex goldin buttons wpon the [and then:] fathers skinne coat


  • rights\ their\ authorizing\

Decisiones curiae supremae Scotiae - Practicks 1592-1624 'Sex goldin buttones': (1609/11/4 - 1623/12/12) .

These leaves have an old pagination 1-200. It ceases thereafter. No title. Much space is left free before the first item - maybe for a beautifully written title, or even a drawing, to be entered at a later time. The items are not numbered. Dates are written in a separate line above the items, as a sort of heading. The legibility of the text is disturbed by ink corrosion. Ink corrosion of the paper, particularly on pages 79-82, 90-91, 94-95, 100-105, 108-109


  • Thomas Hamilton later 1st Earl of Haddington

No. of pages: Fol. 1r-101v (pag. 1-200)


  • [{i}First item:{/i}] Sex goldin buttons wpon the fathers skinne coat and two oxen of eight sett in steilbow found to pertein to the aire. 4 November 1609. In ane action persewit be Mr. Robert Boyd advocat against his mother.

    (Fol. 61 = pag. 121) The text jumps from date 1611/11/9 to date 1622/2 - compare Edinburgh, NL Scotland, MS.2707.

    [{i}Third item before end:{/i}] Declarator of ane clause irritant howbeit exorbitant. 11 December 1623. In the actione persewed be Collingtoune and his wyfe ... .

    [{i}Second item before end:{/i}] 12 December 1623. The generall aires of the deceist Lord Zester persewed ane improbatione against the Earl of Bucleugh ... ex gratia sustein the incident.

    [{i}Last item:{/i}] In ane reductione persewed be Androw Cowpar contra Billoch, the persewer produced practicks betuixt the Earl of Quitisdaill and Westraw and Mr. Thomas Hope and David Andersone, quhairin the Lords fand that the statute against bankerrupts was not extendit ad preterita in causes. Heire befor the statute the parties hade publict infeftments and possession ... rights


  • and decreits authorizing their rights. Finis coronat opus