LOCATION | Edinburgh, NL Scotland |
MANUSCRIPT | Edinburgh, NL Scotland, MS.1951 |
ITEM No. 6 | Decisiones curiae supremae Scotiae - Practicks 1624-1639 (alphabetical, 'Acts of court' - 'Wife', 'Unlawis') |
Decisiones curiae supremae Scotiae - Practicks 1624-1639 (alphabetical, 'Acts of court' - 'Wife', 'Unlawis')
Decisiones curiae supremae Scotiae - Practicks 1624-1639 (alphabetical, 'Acts of court' - 'Wife', 'Unlawis') (?) (1627/2/1 - 1637/7/7, author not verified).
No author is named, no title is given. The first items and most of the headings correspond to the collection which other MSS ascribe to Sir George Auchinleck. The present MS is suspected of being related to MS London, BL, Harley 4691, fol. 1r-155r.
Abstracts of the items are written in the margins. Dates are given at the end of each item. Often the parties are not named. Frequent reference is made to Acts of Parliament
No. of pages: Pag. 141-381
Rubric: Pratiques observed befor the Lords of Sessione, collected alphabeticallie be N.(?), from 1627 to 1637
The air may be persewed within yeir and day after his fathers decease, notwithstanding of the Act of Parliament Ja. 4, Parl. 6, cap. 76.
... becaus it was passive. 16 Februarii 1627.
Voluntar payment of the fathers debts makes not the payer to be air. 26 Januarii 1628. Comissar of Dunkeld against Alexander Crombie.
Fowlartoune of that ilk, being charged to enter air a yeir after his fathers decease at the instance of Patrick Livingstoun of Barownie ... 28 Februarii 1628.
Ane appeirand air hes no right being neither served nor seased ... 29 February 1628. Rosyth against Philp.
Dates:1627/2/1 Jon Skrugall against Patrick Craigs debitors (pag. 149).
1637/7/7 (pag. 191).
[{i}Headings:{/i}] Airs. Acts of court. Adjudications. Assignations. Advocations. Arreistment. Anualrents. Bonds. Bastardy. Breives. Cautione. Comissiones. Comprysings. Curialitie. Curators. Contracts. Chapter. Charters. Captione. Dative testaments. Declarators. Depositum. Decreitts. Distres. Dispositione. Deforcment. Diligence. Ejectiones. Expens of pley. Escheats. Ejections [{i}again{/i}]. Executors. Exhibitions. Factories. Forfaultors. Fewfermes. Gleibs. Hornings. Husbands. Interlocutors. Improbations. Incidents. Intromissione. Infeftments. Inhibitions and interdictions. Instruments. Irritant clauss. Judge and judicator. Kinge. Kirk. Litiscontestation. Legacies. Lyfrentars. Maills and deuties of lands undevyded. Manses. Mariages. Minors. Molestations. Missives. Milnes and multurs. Messingers. Ministers. Nottars. Non-entries. Nullities. Obligations. Oaths. Probation be oath. Paynes and penalties. Pryce. Poynding. Prescriptione. Pensions. Peremptors and dilators. Process. Probatione. Protestatione. Patronage. Procuratores. Promise. Prothogalls. Possessione. Prentiss. Rebells. Redemptione. Reversions. Reductions. Restitutione. Recognition. Removeings. Regalitie. Rentalls. Revocations. Registrations. Retours. Seasings. Schirreffs. Strangers. Subscriptione. Servituds. Sumonds. Sessione and Lords thairoff [{i}Thus an incomplete copy of the work, breaking off at the same place where MS London, BL, Harley 4691 breaks off{/i}]
Pag. 382-388 blank