Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Ius proprium Scotiae - Practicks (general digest of law, systematic) : (extracts)


  • James Balfour of Pittendreich

Ius proprium Scotiae - Practicks (general digest of law, systematic) : (extracts)


  • James Balfour of Pittendreich

No. of pages: Pag. 141-170

Rubric: Burrow lawis. Magistratis within burghe, titulus [{i}Balfour title 9, edition pag. 72{/i}].

The aithe of provest and baillies, cap. 1. The proveste and baillies sould be chosin at the nixte court ... [{i}Balfour 9.1{/i}].

Election of officeris within burghe, cap. 2. Item tuichinge the electioun of officiers ... [{i}Balfour 9.2{/i}].

Of the persoun that sould be chosen and manir of cheisinge, cap. 3. Item it is statute ... [{i}Balfour 9.3{/i}].

{i} Ends with title 7,{/i} Of poynding within burghe{i}, chapter 19.{/i}.

Of smythis that schois horses in the communitie [{i}Balfour 9.39 = pag. 75{/i}].

[{i}Thereafter follows a list of forty burghs, corresponding to Balfour 9.41, edition pag. 76.{/i}].

(Pag. 165) Gilda. The statutes and lawis of gild. Titulus. [{i}Balfour title 10, edition pag. 76{/i}].

Particular gilds ar forbidden, cap. 1. In the name of the holie and in(di)visible trinitie. Heire followis the lawis and constitutiounis of the gild of burgeses, maid and constitute be the advyse of Robarte Durhame maire of Bervick ... in the yeire of God 1281 yeiris, 82 and 84 yeiris [{i}Balfour 10.1{/i}].

Magistrats of gild, cap. 2 [{i}Balfour 10.2{/i}].

Quha may be gild bretherane, wha not, cap. 3 [{i}Balfour 10.3{/i}].

Of the counsall of gild, cap. 4 [{i}Balfour 10.4{/i}].


The lattir will and buriall of gild brethers, cap. 22. Item all gild brethers sould in their testamentte ... expensse of the gild, c. 12. Finis [{i}Balfour 10.24{/i}]