Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Lectura Institutionum


  • Iuris tria sunt praecepta: (1) [and then:] honeste vivere, (2) alterum non laedere, (3) ius suum cuique tribuere

Lectura Institutionum .

Written on empty pages and margins of the style book. Almost entirely in Latin. Frequent references to Scottish statutes and domestic law. Extracts from Balfour's Practicks are interspersed, e.g. fol. 64r. Also extracts from Melchior Kling, e.g. fol. 67r. Hope's Major practicks (fol. 125r). The order of the leaves, as they are bound at present, does not always correspond closely to the order of Justinian's Institutiones. Furthermore, subject matters which are only treated in detail in Justinian's Codex and Digesta are also included into the present work

No. of pages: Fol. 9r-11vb, 12rb-18r, 21r-23v, 40v-45r, 53r-57r, 64r-65r, 66v-69r, 72r-76r, 80r-81r, 84r-85r etc., to end:

Rubric: Liber primus Institutionum. De iustitia et iure. De iure naturali, gentium et civile[!]. De iure personarum


  • Iuris tria sunt praecepta: (1) honeste vivere, (2) alterum non laedere, (3) ius suum cuique tribuere.

    In this side of paper ar sett downe breifly the tittills.

    (Fol. 66v) De indebito. Indebitum quando quis solvit per errorem quod non debet. [{i}Lists types of cases in which payments made by error cannot be reclaimed. In all other types of cases they can thus be reclaimed{/i}]