Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Decisiones curiae supremae Scotiae - Practicks 1621-1642 : (1630-1639)


  • Alexander Gibson Lord Durie

Decisiones curiae supremae Scotiae - Practicks 1621-1642: (1630-1639) .

Old pagination in ink. Pages 1-20 are lost. Pages 21-36 are heavily damaged by loss of paper, caused by damp. Pages 57-416 are in good state. More leaves follow but they are again heavily damaged by damp, and the margin with the pagination is lost. The text breaks off in an item dated 1639/3/8.

[{i}Text samples:{/i}].

1637/3/17 Captain Stewart, haveing obtayned sentence againist liutenent collonell Stewart.

1637/3/21 Elizabeth Wood, as being infeft be umquhill Reuian Stewart, her husband, in some lands in Glasgow.

Eodem die. Lady Manderstoun, being provyded be her husband ... [{i}Refers at the end to cases of 1637, 1636, 1633{/i}].

Eodem die. Cuthbert, haveing from the towne of Innernes ane few.

1637/3/21 Double poynding Anderson contrair Mr. ..tary Gibson ... [{i}= Morison S.V. 88{/i}].

Eodem die. Fynnie in Peterheid contrair Grey Fynnie be a precept of the Erle of Marschells as admirall deput


  • Alexander Gibson Lord Durie

No. of pages: Pag. 21-416 etc