Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Decisiones curiae supremae Scotiae - Practicks 1621-1642 (digest, alphabetical) 'Adjudication'


  • Alexander Gibson Lord Durie
  • George Lockhart of Carnwath (re-ordinator)


  • Adjudication. Ane decreet [and then:] cognitionis causa declaired null

Decisiones curiae supremae Scotiae - Practicks 1621-1642 (digest, alphabetical) 'Adjudication' .

Anonymous and without title. Breaks off in the middle of letter R. Abstracts of decisions, most of them quite short, collected under alphabetically arranged keywords, with dates, but without names of parties. As Durie collected his Practicks in chronological order, one might expect to find as well a chronological arrangement within each individual keyword, but this is not the case. Most reported decisions originated in the years 1621 to 1639, few are younger. The most recent dates I observed were 1642/7/15 (pag. 21, keyword 'Band') and 1643/12/9 (pag. 34, keyword 'Cawtionerie'). The scribe wrote correct Latin. Good ink, easily readable. Another hand scribbled some additions in the left margins. The text should be compared to MS GD1/328/2.

[{i}The following keywords are used:{/i}] Adjudication. Admirall. Advocation. Aliment. Aires. Amersaments and unlawes. Annexation. Arrestments. Assignations. Alienations. Bands. Burrowghes. Bastardes. Benefices. Bona fides [{i}which should always be regarded and maintained{/i}]. Captione. Cawtionrie. Cowrtes. Compromittes. Comprysings. Compensation. Contractes of mariadge. Decreets. Diligence. Deforcments. Divorcement. Depositation. Exhibition. Excambion. Executoris. Escheattes. Feriat. Furiositie. Giftes and pensions. Hornings. Holographons. Homologation. Interdictiones. Improbation. Inhibition. Incident. Judges. Infeftments. Lawes. Legacie. Lyfrent, terce and courtesie. Lawborrowes. Lectus aegretudinis. Lyone. Locus poenitentiae. Litiscontestation. Locatio et conductio. Multeplie poynding. Mettes and measures. Merchants. Minores. Ministers. Mandates and procuratories. Manses and gleibes. Molestation. Novation. Oathes. Prescription. Proving of the tennor. Probation. Kings propertie. Reversions and redemptiones. Regalia. Registration. Recognition. Removings. Regalia. Registration. Recognition. Removings

Author(s): Alexander Gibson Lord Durie; George Lockhart of Carnwath (re-ordinator)

No. of pages: Pag. 1-159


  • [{i}First items, and some text samples from items further on:{/i}] Adjudication. Ane decreet cognitionis causa declaired null, ther being noe persone representing the defunct charged to enter air not yet as charged or renuncing compearing or called. 8 Julii 1623 et 8 Julii 1625 and yet some time susteaned 27 Januarii 1629.

    Item nothing can be adjudged but heretabell rightes, movabell sumes being onlie subject to arreistment or poynding ... 24 Nov. 1638.

    Item airschip goods may be adjudged as being due jure hereditario. 26 Februarii 1629.

    Item adjudicatione proceeding upon the renunciation of appearing aires are more summarlie expeed then comprysings ... 10 Julii 1630.

    Admirall. The admirall had noe right to goods as shipwrack ... annulled super hoc solo capite. 12 Decemb. 1622.

    Advocation. Ane judge being prohibit to proceed in ane cause and the pairtie discharged ... judicis mandato. 28 Julii 1627.


    [{i}First items of last titles:{/i}] Regalia. Albeit salmond fishing be inter regalia, yet ane infeftment ... 26 Mar. 1628 ...;.

    Registration. Ane seasing susteaned notwithstanding the same war not registrat ... 25 March 1623, 24 March 1626, the contrair 4 December 1628.

    Recognition. Ane infeftment depending upon ane recognition is not ane valid right unless declarator had first past upon the recognition. 25 March 1623.

    Removings. Ane right of lands sett for certaine sume ... 13 Julii 1621, speciallie 2 Julii 1624, 22 Julii 1628, 21 December 1621, 27 March 1628, 5 March 1629 ... [{i}continues over nine pages{/i}] being of the first was altogether improbable. 17 Januarii 1632.

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