Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Ordo iudiciorum 'Invocato Christi nomine'


  • Bencivenne de Senis
  • Pilius de Medicina


  • Invocato Christi nomine


  • viii.\ coll.\ uero,\ Omnem\

Ordo iudiciorum 'Invocato Christi nomine' . Geteilt in fünf Partes. Auf Grund eines Fehlers in der Nummerierung der Blätter gibt es kein fol. 80-89. Auf fol. 96rb im Titel de appellationibus steht: '(B)enciuenne iudex suo amico dilecto'. Linda Fowler-Magerl reminded that also a person 'Cativenne' is mentioned:. She deemend that this might be a wordplay on 'Bencivenne'

Author(s): Bencivenne de Senis (merely a hypothesis by Seckel); Pilius de Medicina(?)

No. of pages: Fol. 79ra-vb, 90ra-96vb

Rubric: Incipit libellus Pilei super ordine iuditiorum


  • Invocato Christi nomine


  • Omnem uero, coll. viii. Amen

Literature quoting this item: Fowler-Magerl 119-122; Fowler-Magerl, Ordines 46, 112