Traditio 18 (1962)
(# 8) 229-255 = DUNNING, Patrick J.: The Letters of Innocent III to Ireland. (Caution, notes by Leipzig students: R.B.)
Traditio 18 (1962) (# 9) 255-288 = HERDE, Peter: Der Zeugenzwang in den päpstlichen Delegationsreskripten des Mittelalters. (Caution, notes by Leipzig students: R.B.)
Traditio 18 (1962) (#15) 382-382 = WIERUSZOWSKI, Hélène: A Twelfth-Century 'Ars dictaminis' in the Barberini Collection of the Vatican Library. (Caution, notes by Leipzig students: R.B.)
Traditio 18 (1962) (#22) 447-450 = KUTTNER, Stephan: Annual Report. (Caution, notes by Leipzig students: S.J.)
Traditio 18 (1962) (#23) 450-459 = HOLTZMANN, Walther: Zu den Dekretalen bei Simon von Bisignano. (Caution, notes by Leipzig students: S.J.)
Traditio 18 (1962) (#24) 459-468 = DUGGAN, Charles: English Canonists and the 'Appendix Concilii Lateranensis' with an Analysis of St. John's College, Cambridge, MS 148. (Caution, notes by Leipzig students: S.J.)
Traditio 18 (1962) (#25) 469-471 = GARCÍA Y GARCÍA, Antonio: Observaciones sobre los Apparatus de Pablo Húngaro a las tres primeras Compilaciones Antiquas. (Caution, notes by Leipzig students: S.J.)
Traditio 18 (1962) (#26) 472-482 = BOHÁČEK, Miroslav: Un manuscrit intéressant du 'Compendium' de Werner von Schussenried. (Caution, notes by Leipzig students: S.J.)
No. of pages: (item 14)