Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Formularium - Scottish Styles


  • George Dallas of Saint-Martins

Formularium - Scottish Styles .

[{i}Title page:{/i}] System of Stiles, As now Practicable within the Kingdom of Scotland: And Reduced to a clear Method, not heretofore. Consisting of VI. Parts. I. Real and Personal Diligence. II. What passeth the Privy-Seal only. III summonds passing the Signet. IV. What Letters pass the Signet, and whole Seals, except the Quarter-Seal; and what passes the Great-Seal per saltum. V. All Securities, Contracts of Marriage, Tailzies, Mortifications, Liferent-Rights, Provisions of Younger-Children, Excambions, and the like. VI. Services, Tutories, Summonds of Error, and others. Composed by George Dallas of Saint-Martins, Begun in the Year 1666, and had its Period Anno 1688. Edinburgh, Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson ... 1697 [{i}904 numbered pages and twelve index pages{/i}] [{i}copy at Edinburgh, NL Scotland, BCL. AA 213{/i}].

The text also comprises many styles for documents of procedure in court


  • George Dallas of Saint-Martins

No. of pages: (item 1)