Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Tractatus de criminibus 'Placitum criminis est in quo vertitur poena sanguinis'


  • Criminall cause is quhilk [and then:] concernes and touches life or limme


  • theirupon\ proceid\ to\ deputies,\

Tractatus de criminibus 'Placitum criminis est in quo vertitur poena sanguinis' (in Scots).

Refers to statutes up to James VI, Parliament 12 (fol. 134, second series) and even Parliament 15 (fol. 137v). I have not collated this text to MSS

No. of pages: Fol. 130r-179r (second series):

Rubric: [{i}First rubric's heading:{/i}] Of crimes and iudges in criminall causes, conforme to the lawes of this realme


  • [{i}text of first rubric:{/i}] Definition of ane criminall cause, chapter 1. Criminall cause is quhilk concernes and touches life or limme, or ane paine of blude, or ane pecuniall paine, to be inbrocht and applyed to the king's use. Division of crimes, chapter 2. Crimes are punished be ane lawful paine, speciallie set downe and prescrived be the Law, or the paine thereof is arbitraire. Lawfull paines are capitall or pecuniall, or neither capital nor pecuniall bot of ane uther kinde and sorte. Arbitrare crimes are quhilk hes na certeine prescrived paine, bot are punished be the kings will and mercie.

    [{i}Second rubric:{/i}] Capitall crimes.

    [{i}Incipit of text of second rubric:{/i}] Of treason and points thereof, chapter 1. The greatest capitall crime is treason.

    [{i}Third rubric:{/i}] Crimes punished be pecuniall paines.

    (Fol. 140r) [{i}Sample text from third rubric, chapter 5:{/i}] Archarie, golf, futball. Archarie is commanded to be used be all men, being of twelf zeares of age, under the paine of ane wedder: Jac. 1, parl. 1, c. 18; or under the paine of fourtie shillings: Jac. 4, parl. 2, c. 32; Jac. 2, parl. 14 c. 65.

    2. Na man sould play at the golfe: Jac. 2 parl. 14 c. 65. Nor at the futball, under the paine of fiftie shillings: Jac. 1 parl. 1 c. 17; Jac. 2 parl. 14 c. 65. Because they are estemed to be unprofitable sports for the common gude of the Realme and defence thereof: James 4 parl. 3 c. 32.

    [{i}Further rubrics:{/i}] Of crimes quhilk are nether capitall nor pecuniall, bot are punished be ane uther paine, as be escheit of moveable gudes, or uther wayes, tit. 4. Of crimes quhereof the paine is arbitrare at the kings will and mercie, tit. 5. Malefactours, tit. 6. Resetters of malefactours, tit. 7. Judges in criminall causes, tit. 8. The Justiciar Generall and the forme and order of ane Justice Air, tit. 9. Particular courts and dyets before the Justitiar General, tit. 10. The schierefs jurisdiction in criminall causes, tit. 11. The Chalmerlane, tit. 12. The Constable of the Realme, tit. 13. Earles, lords, barons, tit. 14. Lords of regalitie, tit. 15. Commissioners, tit. 16


  • the Justitiar generall and his deputies, to proceid theirupon: Iac. 6 parl. 11 c. 75