Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Digesta - Digestum vetus - Constitutio 'Omnem'


  • Justinianus imperator

Digesta - Digestum vetus - Constitutio 'Omnem' , written on a sheet which was added in the early 14th century, handwriting and filigrane decoration of beginnings of paragraphs are probably French. In origin the Constitutio 'Omnem' had probably filled four sheets, but only the last sheet is preserved. It is glued to the stem of an older sheet which was cut off. The text starts near the beginning of its fourth fifth: 'aperiatur quem ad edictum edilium et de redibitoria accione et de eviccionibus'. The text ends normally, after filling the upper third of fol. IIvb: 'data Constantinopolim domino nostro perpetuo Iustiniano augusto consule.' The remainder of column vb is blank


  • Justinianus imperator

No. of pages: Fol. 2ra-vb