Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Decretales - Liber Sextus


  • Bonifatius VIII papa


  • Sacrosancte Romane ecclesie, [and then:] quam imperscrutabilis diuine prouidentie altitudo uniuersis dispositione incommutabili pretulit ecclesiis
  • Bonifatius episcopus seruus [and then:] seruorum dei dilectis filiis doctoribus et scolaribus Bononie


  • uoluntatem\ nititur\ legis\
  • quarto\ anno\ nostri\ [preceding:] pontificatus\ martii\ nonas\ quinto\ Petrum\ sanctum\ apud\ Rome\ Datum\

Decretales - Liber Sextus . The size of characters in both the main text and the apparatus is unusually big. Mainly simple decoration. Initial letters alternate in red and Italian blue. No special decoration at the begin of books 2, 4 and 5. Book 3 begins with a free space for a miniature, but no miniature was painted there. Only fol. 1r and 4r have rich decoration, even with gold. In the first four fascicles, filigrane lines entour initial letters of main text and apparatus (fol. 1r-41v), but not beyond. Rubrics were inserted in red ink, but the rubricator ended his activities at fol. 138ra. From there onward rubrics were only filled in later, in rough handwriting in simple black ink. Few drawings in the margin. Fol. 50rb (title 'De religiosis domibus') two monks.

Fascicles are numbered in 15th c. handwriting in the middle of the lower rim of their first page. Reclamants for the main text are situated under the middle of fascicles' last page. They usually lack decoration. Some are written vertically. In places where reclamants for the apparatus are added, these are situated under the right rim of column vb. Quiniones, but fascicle 14 is a senio (fol. 132-143). In the middle of fascicle 20 one sheet was added (see its sewn-in stub behind fol. 198). This was done in order to accommodate the full length of title VI.5.12 in this fascicle. The main corpus of the MS ends here.

The subsequent title VI.5.13 'De regulis iuris' once constituted a separate unit. It has different layout. Fol. 205ra-226vb bear the apparatus by Johannes Andreae with intercalated text passages of Liber Sextus. These sheets have old numbering in ink from 1 to 22. Thereafter follows the mere text of VI.5.13 (fol. 226vb-227va). A user has added digits in thin dark ink (1-21). They refer to pertinent old foliation for the commentary (= modern numbering fol. 205ra-227va).

The entire last unit of the MS (thus fol. 205-228) consists of two quiniones (fol. 205-224) and a ternio whose sheets 4 and 6 were cut away


  • Bonifatius VIII papa

No. of pages: Fol. 2ra-204vb et 226vb-227va

Rubric: Incipiunt decretales sexti libri


  • Sacrosancte Romane ecclesie, [and then:] quam imperscrutabilis diuine prouidentie altitudo uniuersis dispositione incommutabili pretulit ecclesiis
  • (Praecedit inscriptio:) Bonifacius episcopus seruus seruorum dei dilectis filiis doctoribus et scolaribus Bononie


  • qui legis uerba complectens contra legis nititur uoluntatem
  • Datum Rome apud sanctum Petrum quinto nonas martii pontificatus nostri anno quarto