Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]



  • Gregorius IX papa

Decretales . Nineteen fascicles. All those which I checked were quiniones, but there must be two extra sheets somewhere, to account for 192 sheets instead of 190.

Incipit and explicit normal. Main text in black ink. Layout and decoration as fashionable in France at the time, but there is one very unusual fact: the fascicles are numbered in Roman numerals under the middle of their last folio, and they have uncommon reclamants, starting with a paragraph sign. Besides, the handwriting of the glosses (in brown ink) differs greatly from the type of script which used to be adhibited by professional producers of manuscripts of Corpus iuris in France or even England. One note mentions England (see below). Yet there is also a recipe in German (see below), and below the last lines of the main text (fol. 192rb) someone added a mockery on a certain woman called Gertrud (name common in Germany): 'Expliciunt Decretales, per manus Gerdrudis, que solebat ludere cum nudis.'

Pawn note in Hebrew (fol. 193v infra). A note on fol. 192v infra is dated 1293: 'Anno domini m°cc° nonag. tertio juuencula le. Elisabet'.

On fol. 193v supra, a list of complaints about mischief in England, numbered xi, vii, viii, ix. '... Anglia dat lites tibi letas tempora factas artem paras redunas largiter superflua, viii. nondum pena minas ad te declinas egeas ix.'.


  • Gregorius IX papa

No. of pages: Fol. 1ra-192rb