Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Decisiones curiae supremae Scotiae - Practicks 1624-1639 (alphabetical, 'Acts of court' - 'Wife', 'Unlawis')


  • George Auchinleck of Balmanno


  • Acts of court. A judiciall act [and then:] of a inferiour judge

Decisiones curiae supremae Scotiae - Practicks 1624-1639 (alphabetical, 'Acts of court' - 'Wife', 'Unlawis') (1624-1637).

No author is named, and no title. I suspect that the present MS is related to Edinburgh, NL Scotland, MS.1951, pag. 141-381. The text r efers to cases 1627-1637 and to Acts of Parliament. Carefully written


  • George Auchinleck of Balmanno

No. of pages: Fol. 1r-155r


  • [{i}First item:{/i}] Acts of court. A judiciall act of a inferiour judge obleidges no more then the assertion of a single notary. 27th July 1627. Moir and McKenzie against Dunbar.

    [{i}Last item:{/i}] Session and Lords thairof. King James 6, King of Great Britain etc., departed this lyf the 27th day of Merch 1625. At this tym the ordinarie Lords of the Session wer Thomas Earle of Melros secretarie president Sir Alexander Hay of Fosterseat ... Upon the last of November 1630 John Lord Traquhair receaved extraordinarie Lord of the session in place of the Lord Ersken, conform to the kings letter. Finis coronat opus.

    [{i}Complete list of keyword titles:{/i}] Acts of court. Adjudications. Airs. Assignations. Advocations. Arreistment. Annualrent. Bonds. Bastardie. Breives. Cautioun. Commissions. Comprysings. Cautioun [{i}again{/i}]. Compts. Curialitie. Curatours. Contracts. Chartours. Captioun. Testament datives. Declarators. Depositum. Decreets. Distress. Dispositions. Diligence. Deforcement. Erection. Escheats. Ejectiouns. Executors. Expenses of pley. Exhibitions. Factors. Falsett. Forfaultur. Fewfermes. Aires [{i}again{/i}]. Gleibs. Hornings. Husbands. Interlocutor. Improbation. Incidents. Intromission. Infeftments. Intromission. Incidents [{i}again{/i}]. Inhibitions and interdictions. Irritant clauses. Instruments. Judge and judicature. King. Kirk. Litiscontestation. Legacie. Lyfrentars. Maills and duetis. Manses. Mariage. Minors. Molestation. Missive letters. Milns and multurs. Messingers. Ministers. Non-entres. Notaries. Nullities. Obligations. Oathes. Probation be oath. Paines and penalties. Pryce. Mariage [{i}again{/i}]. Poynding. Prescription. Pensions. Peremptors and dilators. Pensions [{i}again{/i}]. Process. Probation. Protestation. Patronage. Procuratories. Promise. Process [{i}again{/i}]. Prothogalls. Possession. Prentice. Rebells and easchets. Redemption. Reversions. Redemptions [{i}again{/i}]. Reductions. Restitution and reposition. Recognition. Removeings. Rentalls. Revocation. Registration and registers. Retour. Saisings. Shirreffs. Strangers. Subscription. Servitudes. Summonds. Session and Lords thairof [{i}Thus an incomplete copy of the work, breaking off at the same place where Edinburgh, NL Scotland, MS.1951 breaks off{/i}]