Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Formularium - Scottish Styles


  • Lettres of horneing for [and then:] confirmatione of testaments. Charles etc.


  • court\ of\ act\ ane\

Formularium - Scottish Styles . Some styles mention the parties' names. Many items are still in Latin. Written by only one scribe, on one type of paper

No. of pages: Fol. 1-172v

Rubric: Liber omnia formularum genera secundum quotidianam praxin et hodiernum usum regni Scotiae, maxime vero ea quae ad stilum supremae curiae juridicae spectant, continens. Ceptus mense Januario anno redemptionis humanae MDCXLII per Joannem Urquhart [{i}addition by another hand:{/i}] scriptorem hujus libri


  • [{i}First item:{/i}] Lettres of horneing for confirmatione of testaments. Charles etc. showin to ws be or lowitt Johne Dunlop, procuratour fiscall of our Comissariat of Edinburgh.

    [{i}Last item:{/i}] Judiciall approbatione. Apud Edinburgum, sedecimo die mensis Aprilis, anno etc. The quhilk daye in presence of the sherefe deput of the said sherefdome of, etc., in ane fencit court of the said sherefdome compeirit ... court, etc


  • ane act of court, etc

Colophon: Finis coronat opus. Apud Strathloch, decimo quarto die mensis Maii anno redemptionis humanae millesimo sexcentesimo quadragesimo secundo, per Joannem Wrquhartum. Jo. Wrquhart