Manuscripta juridica

[Principal Investigator: G. R. Dolezalek]

Index huius voluminis


  • In primis the four bukis of [and then:] Regiam maiestatem, contenand ii.c and xi rubrics


  • thairof\ remeid\ the\ and\ absent,\

Index huius voluminis . List of contents fol. 14-304.

The list is directly appended to the 'Expositiones quorundam vocabulorum' without a title and even without any gap. It starts in the same line where the text of the 'Expositio' ends. This suggests that the list was already contained in the model MS, and there in a particularly unpretentious form - maybe on a loose sheet of paper which was stuck between the leaves.

According to the list, the {i}Leges burgorum{/i} were contained a second time, after the {i}Lawis of schippis{/i}. This is not the case in the present MS (here fol.162v)

No. of pages: Fol. 304v-305v

Rubric: Thir ar the bukis, tretis, processis and lawis conteint in this volume of Regiam maijestatem and the kingis lawis


  • In primis the four bukis of Regiam maiestatem, contenand ii.c and xi rubrics.

    Item nixt thaireft ar in the cheptuirs ane 'Qui non possunt constituere actornatos', the content(?) is de diversis feodis.

    The thrid ar 'Of the maner of battell within listis'.

    And nixt thairefter followis 'Tractatus immediate post Regiam maiestatem', contenand xviii rubrics.

    And nixt thaireftir followis 'Statuta prima regis Malcolmi' [{i}and other statutes of old kings{/i}].

    [{i}From here onward I only quote the titles of the work which the author enumerates{/i}].

    Modus procedendi in itinere Camerarie.

    Burrow lawis, in the quhilk ar insert 'Modus calumniandi foristallatores'.

    Statutum Roberti Bruce super recenti defortiatione in burgo.

    Et modus faciendi processum circa recuperationem tenementi in defectu solutionis annui redditus non soluti.

    Gilde regni Scotie.

    Leges Malcolmi McKynneth de feodis officiariorum et disctinctiones curiarum.

    Statutis of King David the Bruce.

    Poyntis of the Wardane Courtis.

    Juramenta regis, suis tribus statibus [{i}followed by other 'juramenta'{/i}].

    Parliamenta Roberti tertii [{i}= Procedure: falsing of domes 'Gif ony man'{/i}].

    Custumys and lawis of schippis.

    Leges burgorum.

    Quoniam attachiamenta', contenand lxxxxii rubrics.

    'De tutoribus et curatoribus' - and utheris diverss gude notabilis, amange the quhilkis ar contenit 'Exceptiones contra cartam' et 'De partibus cartarum', et 'De obligatione, et eam concernentibus', et 'De obstaculis et viciis cartarum', et 'Quod terra vendita seu alienata teneatur de capitali domino et non de feofatore'.

    Quot modis admittitur feodum.

    The mesuring of lands and compting of akeris.

    Of tailzeis.

    The baronis lawis, in Inglis.

    Ad componendum cartas.

    De obligatione et de fideiussoribus.

    Diffinitio instrumentorum.

    De lingua et sigillis custodiendis.

    De modis calumniandi rapinam et protectionem infrictam.

    Leges forestarum.

    Tractatus de judicibus.

    Leges Marchiarum.

    And thairefter followis divers partes, amange the quhilkis is insert 'Tractatus corone'.

    And last of all [{i}here fol. 304r{/i}] ar 'Exceptiones quorundam vocabulorum in cartis', videlicet 'Sok', 'Sak', 'Thole', 'Theme', etc.

    And syne thaireftir [{i}= soon after the 'Tractatus coronae', here fol. 286v{/i}] followis the Process schawing of halding.

    And thaireftir followis the Process of purprising


  • And thairefter followis the Ordour and maner of falsing of domes, gevin in presens of the party or quhen thai ar absent, and the remeid thairof, etc